Super adorable |
This post is almost a year late, because it has taken me that long to get over the trauma that was this Hello Kitty costume. The creation of it was not the problem. It was what happened to it after it was finished. More about that later. First, how to make your very own Hello Kitty head. My inspirations were found
here, and
Someone has a bigger
problem than I. |
The finished product. |
Unbelievable! |
I got busy drafting a pattern, which is important to getting the sizing right. I folded the pattern in half so it would come out symmetrical. Then I put it up to Tootie Pie's head, to make sure it was not too big or too small. After making adjustments here and there on the paper pattern, I cut two pieces from felt, and sewed along the edges, leaving a semi-circle to go over her head. Before I sewed up the semi-circle, I filled the head with packing peanuts, then closed up the head along the semi-circle. I attached a piece of elastic to both sides, and used fabric paint to draw in kitty's features. Then, the bow was cut from pink glitter felt, cut into two rough rectangles, which were sewn together, and then a long single rectangle was sewn closed over the middle of the rectangles to form the bow. That was it.
Someone in this crowd is a thief. |
I had the flower as a backup, but it's just not the same! |
Now, for the traumatic part. See Tootie Pie in the lower right of this photo? She is not wearing her kitty head because she is at a magic show, and she was being considerate to the spectators behind her. Immediately after the show, they were giving out Halloween treats, and Tootie Pie ran right over, leaving her head on the floor. Can you guess what happened? Shall I remind you that we live in New York City? Does that help? Yes, study the picture, because someone in the audience TOOK THE HEAD!!!!! I was so upset. Tootie Pie was so upset. I spoke with mall security, a police officer (Whom I needed to ask if he was
really a police officer, or just wearing a really, really good costume) and the mall administrators, to zero avail. The friend we went with asked where we got it, so we could get another. She obviously does not know that we do things THE HARD WAY. Luckily, every good costume designer has a backup, so when we went trick or treating, she wore the flower I had made, but it was so disturbing that someone would steal a child's Halloween costume on Halloween.
Try it for yourself, document the process, and send me the pics. I'd love to see them!
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