Template cut from here. |
I followed
this tutorial to make Elsa crown. I copied the
template, cut it out on cardstock, and then filled it in with hot glue. I might suggest doing this with puffy paint, instead, because that doesn't harden as fast as hot glue. I had to trim some mistakes with an Exacto knife and scissors before I could spray it. I know that Elsa's crown is gold, but A) I don't have gold spray paint and B) I asked Tootie Pie if she wanted authentic gold or snowy silver, and she chose wisely. She takes after her mother in her preference for silver, I guess. Once I sprayed it, you could really see the flaws, so I covered the lumpy bits with jewels and, for the narrower parts, glitter. I will attach it to a hair comb that I have from the handmade bridal veil I made. I had everything on hand, so this cost me nothing.
That is why jewels and glitter were invented. To cover the
crown makers mistakes! |
Filled in with hot glue and spray
painted. Kind of messed up. |
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