Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cutting Gets Easier for Boontje Garland and Sputnik Light Homed

I added a chicken. The 
Queen Anne's lace lost
a tiny floret, ah, we'll say
a bear ate it
My knockoff Garland light is veering further from the inspiration. I collected more milk jugs and then free handed the following cut-outs:

It is getting easier to make my own designs and I added a bird. Tord Boontje never ventured into the fauna. Ha! This is a project that could never end, but since I ended up with an extra ColorCord and have plenty of lighting hardware in the basement, I may start to sell them. They don't melt if you stay away from incandescent bulbs. 
And now we need a slate
grey or shamrock starburst
ceiling medallion to set 
off the crisp blossoms

I suppose my apprenticeship ends and my artistry begins. Although, it hardly looks bushier since I added the new stems, but there was a bare patch that they covered. I love this.

The cutting will continue at a greater pace since I discovered how to make cottage cheese. I am still trying to perfect my yogurt and had success once out of three attempts. The milk that doesn't turn into yogurt becomes cottage cheese and I get the jug afterwards. Pretty much perfect if I could manage to set yogurt consistently, but hopefully soon.

Too high now and cord
isn't hung correctly
Also love, my Sputnik. It is bright. I need to extend the wire again. For reference, it was shorten, lengthen, shorten, and now lengthen again. 

Wire correct length and cord
swagged. Now I need to
introduce more fuchsia
to this corner


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