Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eames Tulip Table Base Casting Success

The first cast of the Eames tulip table is out successfully.  It, naturally, was not as easy as I thought.  Twice, I had to throw out the rubber mold because the "mildew remover", as the woman at the store called the mold release, was not for rubber-to-rubber two-part molds, but instead for removing originals from a resin cast.  The third time, using vaseline in between the two halves (thank you, internet), worked.  Then, the first two plastic casts failed because of the extremely narrow opening at the mid-point, so the third cast I mixed and poured extremely rapidly, and it worked!
So, I now have a cast!  I'm going to fashion the marble top using the same marblizing process I used to create the marble base to the Castiglione Arco lamp.  I need to remove the flashing from the cast, and it didn't turn out as white as I thought it should, so I'll give it a spray of plastic spray paint.  As is obvious from these absolutely mesmerizing photos, I am extremely excited!


  1. Congrats!! Third time is a charm. Can't wait to see the finished product. :D



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