Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Another High-End Knock-Off: Emil Stejnar's Mirror

The original - Ahhhh!
It is a poorly hidden fact that I have expensive taste, and no budget whatsoever to indulge it.  So, over the years, I've just made my own versions of the things I covet.  Sometimes it seems impossible to recreate, but then the inspiration hits, and there are many missteps, retreads, and do-overs, but eventually, I create something that not only looks nice, but has the added bonus of affording me the ability to say "I made that".  Of course, during the "creative" process, I'm swearing like a truck driver, taking up what little space we have in our tiny home, and taking out my frustration on my family.  No one ever said creativity was pretty.

So, my latest brainstorm was to recreate the Emil Stejnar backlit mirror.  It involves, duh, a mirror, some math manipulative linkage strips, a random street find of a circular metal frame, an Ikea light strip, lots of tape, and milk jug cutouts of the variety used in my Curtis Jere knockoff.  I tried boiling the linkage strips to bend them, but over time, they just bent back.  Since it is still in process, and most likely will be for quite some time, I thought I'd share some teaser photos.

The proportions are admittedly
a bit off.  Too lazy to fix.
Finding a good use for linkage strips.
Milkjug cutouts.  Need
about 1700 more.

Planning the placement.


  1. Hi Linda! I have never heard of this designer before now, but I can certainly see why you admire his mirror! I think that you have shown an Incredible amount of creativity to enable you to re-produce the mirror of your dreams so closely and with such humble materials! I realize that it is not yet finished but seeing what you have done thus far, I know that the finished product will be nothing short of Spectacular!




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