Friday, September 28, 2012

Cutting an Acrylic Circle - Reworking a Bentwood and Cane Table with Paint and Acrylic

Hello, loyal readers.  I can't imagine my audience, since this blog has the same focus as its author: scattered.  A little miniatures, a bit of home improvement, some projects, and a lot of venting about teaching.  Please comment or like my blog so I can know what you're hear to read!
Thanks, Jean Kelleher for the

Today, I bring you a project.  There is a once ubiquitous small side table made of curved wood, possible bamboo, with a caned top.  One day, probably close to a year ago, I found one in bad condition in the garbage on my way to work.  Here it is, looking forlorn and a hopeless wreck:

If it's not silver, it's pink.
The finished product. 
The sides are a bit dusty
So, of course, this project involves spray paint.  I chose pink.  But, finding a new top was the biggest part of this project.  Now, I spy quite a bit of plexiglass or acrylic or lucite or perspex - whichever name you use to refer to it - on my daily path.  It is sometimes a panel from a lighting fixture, or a window, or part of an old shelving unit.  In any case, I have a supply on hand.  I traced one of the wood circles onto the plexiglass and used a soldering iron (a hot knife would work as well) to cut it out.  Then, I used a pair of pliers to remove the melted plastic that hardened into a crust along the edge of the circle (shown in video below), and sanded the edges smooth.  For now, I just have the circle lying on top of the table, but perhaps someday I will attach it more firmly with a silicon bead.  The cost of this table was free, since everything I needed I already had on hand.  It is occupying a place of honor in my basement right now, and will soon be covered with random junk and toys.  Pretty stylish basement junk-holder, don't cha think?


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