There are
clear distinctions between conditions that require hospitalization. Consumer reports surveyed one woman who
experienced three different ailments that led to hospital admission.
Our models: Our childbirth model was a 2007 natural, premature delivery. Like the other conditions, this was
unplanned. The stroke was a 2009 carotid artery dissection, which was even more
unexpected than the other two conditions.
And the cancer was a 2012
cervical stage 1B, with a preventative radical, laparoscopic hysterectomy.
The acquisition of the conditions all start
with sex. In the case of childbirth, the
responders remember exactly the onset of the condition; it was at the Jersey
Shore, on a warm summer’s day, and we had just steamed up any case, it
scored high. With the stroke, acquiring
the precondition was as easy as being born, since it is a genetic
condition. The exact moment cancer was
obtained cannot be determined, and any positive feelings that may have resulted
in gaining the condition was negated by many angry exchanges between responders
and spouses, so it receives a lower score.
The stroke,
being a complete surprise, required zero advanced
preparations, scoring highest on this criterion. The cancer was diagnosed three months prior
to the surgery, and required a litany of doctors appointments and a charming
bowel prep, practiced twice. The
childbirth was diagnosed less than six months before the hospitalization, and
involved normal baby and birth preparations, as well as honeymoon and marriage
planning. Marriage planning was
complicated by girth of bride and stress of parading down aisle visibly
pregnant, so it received the lowest score.
The stroke
registered the most negative after-effects
of the three conditions. The joy that
the responder’s child brought outweigh the stress and worry of offspring. Cancer will hopefully just be a small blip on
the radar, requiring diligence and attention for the rest of the responder’s
life, but not affecting her with any long-term negative effects. Stroke affects the brain, and since the cause
cannot be pinpointed, will stress out our responder for the rest of her life.
The length
of hospitalization was longest for
the stroke, and unbelievably shortest for cancer, however, the hospital stay
was rated as the best for childbirth because the recovery of both mother and
baby was quick and comparatively painless than that of cancer.
The mental anguish related to the
conditions associated with childbirth were thought to be severe at the time,
but the anxiety and stress were more severe for stroke and cancer. The duration
of the pain was less for childbirth was much less than for cancer or
stroke, but the intensity was much,
much greater.
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